Dr. Anna Ramos has a Ph.D. in Professional Counseling and is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) in the State of New York. She has her Master's in Addiction Certification (MAC), which is a National Certification provided by National Board of Certified Counselors. Dr. Ramos is a Board Certified Professional Counselor, provided by the American Psychotherapy Association. She is a member of the American Counseling Association (ACA). In addition, she is an ordained minister and Clinical Director of Long Island Teen Challenge.  

Dr. Anna Ramos has been involved with SCS for ten years, and she currently has two children attending. She decided to send her children to SCS for the strong Christian influence in the curriculum, faculty, and school, as well as for the school’s academics.

Last year, a group of SCS students went to Teen Challenge as a part of SCS’ service learning program. Dr. Ramos stated: “The benefits of our students serving at Teen Challenge are multifaceted. The service learning at Teen Challenge helps to serve as an educational tool for students (i.e. learning what not to do in terms of drugs and alcohol and how to avoid the peer pressures associated with these areas). The service learning also lets students know that even if they have made mistakes, no one is outside the loving and merciful hand of Jesus. Individuals who struggle with addiction should not be shamed, but rather told about the loving Father who can change their lives.”

Dr. Ramos added that the service learning program goes hand in hand with Christian education. Students learn about loving Jesus and helping those in need, and then they practice what they learn by going out and being the “hands and feet” of Jesus to their communities. Dr. Ramos stated that “the service learning program puts the practical into the theoretical and helps the students to have fun while doing so!”